Author: TheRed
The #saveminecraft Minecraft server is in trouble.Today might be time for one spicy article, ladies and gentlemen!
The Community #saveminecraft has had a Minecraft server relaunch happen recently, and oh boy are there some problems with it.
But let's take a bit of a step back first. What is #saveminecraft?
#saveminecraft is a community centered mostly around the 1.19.1 Chat Reporting feature. It caused massive outrage throughout the entirety of the Minecraft community.
The Discord server was created as a place to discuss this topic, and in the time it has been growing, it has had massive growing pains along the way.
So if we talk about a community, we know it usually has to involve some leadership. Whether it would be one person running the entire thing or multiple people working their hearts and souls off to keep the community functioning, it usually has some leadership.
Now speaking of #saveminecraft's leadership, it has actually not stayed static, it has changed quite a bit.
After doing some digging, I found out that the original owner of the Discord server was Marfoo.
Later on the ownership seems to have changed, and the new owner was ShyPig. ShyPig eventually got banned, and the ownership changed yet again to H4h, afterwards to YouMustBeBored, later on seemed to have changed to greenland, after that to Tantalus' very short leadership and then after, JayTheCoderX.
The server never had a stable staff team, and now even if it has stabilized, it's not perfect.
Chapter 1: The launch of the Minecraft server.After a vote on 2022-06-24, it was decided to make a Minecraft server, with a vote winning 46-3 at the time of writing.
The server seemed to be a direct ip to a 1.18.2 server.
After a while, eventually, an idea formed. A Nostalgia server was made, and it was a 1.6.4 server.
I personally got to play on it for a bit, and people built some cool stuff on there, and very clearly it was far less restricted than the server is right now.
Fast forward a bit, and the server was killed, because the project didn't get many players, and hosting costs could not be paid.
Eventually, the server was relaunched on 2022-12-07 as a 1.19.2 server, and this time it was not related to the Nostalgia server.
Sadly, someone called Silvesteeer had become owner of the Minecraft server, and let me tell you - this man is NOT someone capable of being staff.
You could laugh all you want, and I did, but at this point it's just sad.
Chapter 2: The issue.The server has been having issues, and that's literal.
When the server launched, it had massive performance issues and was lagging massively.
It was running Spigot instead of something like Paper or Purpur, which would've been a better option, but eventually the staff team thankfully listened to our screams and replaced the software with Paper, then later down the line with Purpur.
Now the server is apparently running on a 24GB RAM server, but let me tell you - I know a thing or two about running servers, and RAM is definitely not everything.
If you know how to actually run servers, you could probably run an SMP even with just 6GB of RAM, considering this server usually has barely more than 20 players online at once at a time, seemingly not exceeding 30.
But bois, this is not about the server itself, aight? The problem is the staff team.
Oh the staff team is a mess, but honestly, the normal Moderators, Admins and Helpers in the Discord and on the Minecraft server are fine to me. It's the 2 Managers of the Minecraft server who seem to have gone wrong.
There's another manager, which is Jay, but honestly - I talked to Jay and he seems pretty chill.
Neil and Silvesteeer are the ones who are the problem.
Silvesteeer, Neil and Jay are in charge of the Minecraft server, but Silvesteeer is apparently the owner of the server. Well let me tell ya, if you're the owner, I'd expect for you to atleast know the specs of the hardware you're running it on :P
But anyways, as an owner, clearly Silvesteeer thought he could do anything.
Now bois, let me tell you this - I ain't letting something like that happen, and y'all will know about my side of the story.
Chapter 3: The happenings.I joined the server when it first started, and skipping past all of the performance BS drama that we had, we eventually started building things, like a castle, and planning out our base on our island that we have managed to find.
So, turns out, from the timestamp in question, 24 hours beforehand, we started the base (in this case also found the island.). 6 HOURS BEFORE this timestamp, Neil and Silvesteeer, with a bunch of other people arrived at the island to build a town there.
So I was eventually just walking around doing an inspection of the area to see what could be done, when I noticed that there are other people on the island. I saw a little farm, and I confronted Silvesteeer. He stated the following:
you cant claim an entire island
considering your land is just a castle
I basically replied to him that the entire island was meant to be ours and we were planning to build giant farms on it. BaconLover07, thinking diplomatically, suggested sharing the island, while Silvesteeer DECLINED for us to share the island.
Here is image proof of that:

It's funny how then Silvesteeer decided to leave the server, saying this:
[Manager] ~Silvesteeer: i might just hop off guys
[Manager] ~Silvesteeer: its been a long day and im tired
[Manager] ~Silvesteeer: it was fun relaxing for a bit
[Manager] ~Silvesteeer: see yall later
Then he goes on to say "how can you claim an entire island?"
Well I think it's very simple, silver, we need the space. We need the space to build our giant farms, and if you don't like us building there, then shut up and MOVE.
Anyways, Silvesteeer clearly seems to have had a problem with us even being on the island because they did not want to share the space???!!
Funny thing, I would later strike up a deal to help them move into the jungle near their town, we would've moved their stuff and removed the trees and even given them the resources AND extra access to our farms. They declined. It's such a stupid thing to decline, but it's their fault.

Oh sorry silver, where'd the rules state that? That's right, nowhere. There was nothing stated about requiring to mark your presence. Guess what, you made up the rules yourself!
We kept a copy of the old rules and also kept a copy of the new ones :P
If, dear readers, you want to see more context, here are the rules:
The Old RulesNew:
The New RulesI actually hit silver, not because I wanted to start a war, but simply out of disbelief and the fact that he was speaking utter BS. I was low on food unfortunately and because I didn't want to start a fight, I decided to leave. Beforehand though, Silvesteeer was actually coming after me and trying to attack me, but I left and he added a NEW RULE of NO COMBAT LOGGING because it seemed convenient for HIM.
One *truly* deserving of the title of "owner" on a Minecraft server, I tell ya. (sarcasm)
We eventually decided to try and build a wall separating their town and our nation, which is called Viritia, but then they said we were "claimblocking" them, and added another rule saying "NO CLAIMBLOCKING!!!11", funny thing, THEY were claimblocking before US.
That's right! They broke the rules before the rules existed, and technically still after, as they haven't made an action to fix it. They were hampering our plans and we were there BEFORE them.
The reason is, they went into our planned out area and started building a town there, which is the definition of claimblocking.
So basically, Silvesteeer made some shitty rule about how you "have to build on your area to make it claimed", so I and _Banana_Blu_ (we're both presidents of viritia) jokingly started placing blocks everywhere just to "claim it" because honestly it was just stupid.
We both were placing blocks and Silvesteeer was placing blocks too until the island got screwed up, well then we later removed the mess we made, but only seemingly blu and I did that. Silvesteeer didn't seem to clean it up, although it's not like I was watching lol.
Silver made this stupid excuse of how "we reserve to modify the rules at any time", which honestly no actually good staff member would use as an excuse.
So this whole BS unfolded and we tried solving it diplomatically, but everyone kept refusing and refusing.
Chapter 4: The aftermath.Eventually, something had to happen. We had to resort to "claimblocking" as per silver's stupid rules. We were getting resources and building our farms so that we have something built up, yet we got in trouble and clearly neil was looking at what we were doing, eventually silver got mad at us for "claimblocking" and both Blu and I got banned.
Chapter 5: The conclusion.So what do we have to take away? Actually, nothing lol. The staff team at #saveminecraft is messed up, and although the Discord is fine now, I don't think the Minecraft server is.
Silvesteeer should've never been owner of the Minecraft server, and honestly he is incapable of doing anything beyond abusing his powers. Funnily enough, I had an idea of coding an item transportation bot which would help the entire community, and people could buy items, which would make business, and we could possibly do partnerships with people who can bring in the resources to sell them, and therefore it would be a source of money on the server.
I was going to code it, but then Silvesteeer complained about it being an "unfair advantage", which tbh is just sheer skill and not an unfair advantage, it makes no sense to make bots under some other rules, players and bots should have the exact same legislation, although the bots should be punished as well as the creator(s) if it does something against the rules.
So _Banana_Blu_ wrote this masterpiece, you can go read it:
this is everything i remember about the events in the past 2 days:
the server opened, and, it lagged asf, so me and thered started giving advice to neil and silversteer, considering the server jar was
SPIGOT, not paper, not purpur, SPIGOT. then silver told red "You are treating us like incompetent idiots". So red jokingly said "well because you are". even tho it was a bit harsh, and i admit it wasnt the best way to say it,
first its obviously said jokingly and getting offended by it is really stupid, and second it was just a rude way of saying that you should follow the advice, because judging by the fact that the jar was spigot they really arent experts.
Then red started talking about his idea to code a bot and create an item delivery system, and a whole drama was created from this. Basically silver didnt even want him to talk about the idea of the bot, while red was trying to
explain how it wouldn't xray but it would just be basic pathfinding, but silver didnt want to listen to him and in the end jay stopped the discussion and nothing was made from it.
i dont really know what to take from this last drama, so moving on.
red started to ask why some people who weren't even staff on the discord were admin on mc, or why i was moderator on mc and helper on discord, and, instead of answering the question like a normal person would, silver told him
to stop whining. if you want the reason, here it is, apparently this people who are barely connected with the #saveminecraft community knew silver for a long time and they got pexxed because silver knew they had experience.
yk, the purpose of staff isn't only banning and muting people, but actually connecting with the community, thats why tantalus was banned and jay became the owner.
so just because they had experience according to silver they got pexxed even tho they either werent staff or they were helper or they joined the discord server 4 days prior. i dont see much fairness here, but lets move on.
on the first day of the server, me, red and woganog built a castle in an island, and started gathering resources to build massive farms we already had projects for.
but, on the second day, when i joined i found red arguing with silver because he created a village on the other side of the island, so i built a wall to separate us from them, and gave more area to my nation
because we came first and were gathering resources to build.
but silver didn't like that and said i was claimblocking him, i asked him what it meant and told him it wasn't in the rules, so guess what? he modified the rules to get the situation his way, and used the
"we reserve the rights to modify the rules at any time" as an excuse, wich is in the middle between funny and cringe. i mean, yes technically he can, but considering i later got banned for "conduct
unbecoming of a staff member" this is a very hypocritical thing to do.
then, red and he started pvping and red logged out, and guess what? silver didn't like that and added a rule about combat-logging to get things his way. he said that
to claim land you have to build in it, so i jokingly said that we were gonna do massive wheat farms to claim land. then silver and some members of his village started building random stone cubic houses everywhere in the island,
so we started doing it too. then silver randomly stopped and called himself "the bigger man" for stopping, wich isn't a very big man thing to do, and he literally started doing the thing. then we went in a call with neil to sort this
bs out, and almost nothing came out of it except neil saying "guys its a game lets play and forget about this" and silver quitting the call after i explained him in detail that i didn't broke the "don't start unnecessary conflicts" rule
because if he started building in the area we needed for farms then all of our plans would get messed up and their "mediterranean town" would have a giga farm as a neighbour. so i later built a deepslate text-pixelart saying "i like
cookies" 70 blocks away from their town because i was bored. i didnt think much of it and thought that if they were gonna see this as a rule infringiment they would tell me.
after this i tried to make a deal with neil. basically, they
expand in the jungle in front of their village, just separated by the river, me and red would remove the trees and flatten the area, and we would keep the island, wich is perfect for us because is very flat and has a very few trees.
he asked me about the unlikely situation where he would want to build mega farms too, so i told him that he has a whole sea, he complained about it looking ugly, but that sea is so big that if they build those unlikely farms in the
right place they would never notice them. so in the end he didn't take the deal.
and then it comes today, a whole big mess happened so lets start from the beginning. red rebuilt the wall that got destroyed the first day because of the childish rule change, i destroyed it because i didnt want him to get banned.
then neil decided out of no where that separating discord an minecraft staff would somehow fix this whole situation. it didnt. red started saying "fuck you neil", wich i admit makes him go in the wrong side in this specific situation.
then we got the roles back.
some hours later we flattened an area at 200 blocks from their village and started building a big bamboo farm. silver then started talking in the console some time later and a drama started where we said that he didnt even give the
definition of claimblocking, and when he did red corrected him by giving the definition from earthmc, wich created the act of claimblocking. so, in the rules there was no specific definition, so by claimblocking we intended the one
defined by earthmc, during this argument, the worst thing said was that jay is the only normal person in the mc server management team, wich judging
by everything that happened is true. honestly this last discussion was pretty useless but it was to avoid further drama with the bamboo farms.
after this me and red built a cobblestone generator and started grinding for the bamboo farm.
while i was mining we both got banned for "Conduct unbecoming of a staff member, misbehaviour. Reapply in 2 weeks". I initially thought they banned the wrong person, because the drama was over, but apparently it was intentional, and
5 people voted for it, including the ones who got stuff just because they knew silver for a lot of time. But who voted for it specifically? Neil, silver, a person that got randomly admin because he knew silver and didnt see the whole
thing (even tho its offtopic, his minecraft name is "Unbantopg", from this you can understand with what kind of person youre talking to) and Prellit, he doesnt even have a staff role on the discord, i dont think i need to say anything
else. So what can we learn from this situation? That the management of the mc server of #saveminecraft is composed by stubborn people with a god complex that cant stand opinions (except for jay, hes normal and reasonable), and,
that i like cookies. im sorry for the possible grammatical errors, but im writing this at 1 am, yk. thanks for bothering to read this whole thing, peace.
Honestly, after all of this mess I couldn't help but laugh.
Alright cheers friends, It's actually 3:40 AM for me at the time of writing this lol so I'll prob go now o-o.